You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > Maintenance Import Data

Maintenance - Import Data

Data contained in a flat file format can be imported into Micronet. This is useful for bulk updates of master files rather than typing the data in manually.

Data may be imported from either a standard ASCII comma delimited (CSV) file, a fixed ASCII file or an Excel spreadsheet.

Before you start to import data into Micronet, you must have a sound understanding of the data structure, relations and mandatory fields.  Without this understanding, data that is imported may corrupt your entire system.



  • Before continuing, make sure no one else is using the computer and that no operations are being completed.
  • Check that no one is running End of Month, printing any reports, or running some extended batch process.



Best Practice

2.8 Feature

Micronet supervisor users can use the Company Lockdown feature to lock users out of Micronet while an import is being performed. When you lockdown a company, Micronet displays a message to users who are currently logged in asking them to exit, and prevents new users from logging in. For more information, refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Company Lockdown (v2.8)".

Although Micronet has correct file and record locking incorporated into the software, if other users have files and records open at the same time, Micronet returns a File Access Warning. To continue making your data import, your other operators must exit Micronet. These warnings do not corrupt the data but instead keep tight control over its integrity. The warnings are intended to inform you that someone else has currently got access to one or more of the records you wish to access. When a record access conflict like this occurs, the only option is to retry the action required, as indicated in the warning box.

When one or other of the users have completed the current operation, the other is allowed to continue. If both users wait, the machine access for both of the users stops. Continue to retry until processing for you continues. Do not power off or reset the computer as data corruption may occur.